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发表于 2016-10-4 18:51:45 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
看招→[mw_shl_code=c,true]#include <scmpstx.h>
int DEFINITION(FileField *fileField, int left_brother_ID, int father_ID);  
int VAR_DEF(FileField *fileField, int left_brother_ID, int father_ID);  
int FUNC_DEF(FileField *fileField, int left_brother_ID, int father_ID);  
int IDENTIFY(FileField *fileField, int left_brother_ID, int father_ID);  
int BODY(FileField *fileField, int left_brother_ID, int father_ID);  
int VAR_DEFINITION(FileField *fileField, int left_brother_ID, int father_ID);  
int STATEMENT_LIST(FileField *fileField, int left_brother_ID, int father_ID);  
int ASSIGN_STMT(FileField *fileField, int left_brother_ID, int father_ID);  
int IF_STMT(FileField *fileField, int left_brother_ID, int father_ID);  
int FOR_STMT(FileField *fileField, int left_brother_ID, int father_ID);  
int WHILE_STMT(FileField *fileField, int left_brother_ID, int father_ID);  
int FORMULA(FileField *fileField, int left_brother_ID, int father_ID);  
int BOOL_FORMULA(FileField *fileField, int left_brother_ID, int father_ID);  
int FORMULA_FOLLOW(FileField *fileField, int left_brother_ID, int father_ID);  
int BOOL_FORMULA_FOLLOW(FileField *fileField, int left_brother_ID, int father_ID);  
int FUNC_CALL(FileField *fileField, int left_brother_ID, int father_ID);  
void report_syntax_error(char *func_name, char *detail, int line_number){  
    printf("Syntax error accured in function '%s()', at line '%d'.\nDetail: %s\n", func_name, line_number, detail);  
void report_memery_error(char *func_name, int line_number){  
    printf("Memery error accured in function '%s()', at line '%d'.\n", func_name, line_number);  
void report_internal_error(char *func_name, int line_number){  
    printf("Internal error accured in function '%s()', at line '%d'.\n", func_name, line_number);  
int initialize_IdTable(){  
    int i=0;  
    int j=0;  
    g_IdTable.n_id_num = 0;  
    g_IdTable.pIdList = (IdentId_P)malloc( ( MAX_SYN_NODE_NUM + 1 ) * sizeof(IdentId) );  
    if( NULL == g_IdTable.pIdList ){  
        report_memery_error("initialize_IdTable", __LINE__);  
        return 0;  
    for( i = 0; i < 51; i++ ){  
        for( j = 0; j < 61; j++ ){  
            g_IdTable.two_level_index[j] = INVALID_ID;  
    return 1;  
int initialize_SynTree(){  
    g_SynTree.n_node_num = 0;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList = (SynNode_P)malloc( ( MAX_SYN_NODE_NUM + 1 ) * sizeof(SynNode) );  
    if( NULL == g_SynTree.pSynNodeList ){  
        report_memery_error("initialize_SynTree", __LINE__);  
        return 0;  
    return 1;  
int release_IdTable(){  
    MY_HELP_FREE( g_IdTable.pIdList )  
    g_IdTable.n_id_num = 0;  
    return 1;  
int release_SynTree(){  
    MY_HELP_FREE( g_SynTree.pSynNodeList );  
    g_SynTree.n_node_num = 0;  
    return 1;  
int syntax_analyzer(FileField *fileField){  
    int ret = 0;  
    char * func_name="syntax_analyzer";  
    /** [ 1 ] initialize a node for whole program **/  
    g_SynTree.n_node_num = 1;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[0].n_father_id = INVALID_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[0].n_identifier_id = INVALID_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[0].n_left_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[0].n_mode = SYN_NODE_HEAD;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[0].n_right_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[0].n_son_id = INVALID_ID;  
    /** [ 2 ] deal with DEFINITION **/  
    ret = DEFINITION( fileField, INVALID_ID, 0 );  
    /** [ 3 ] deal with 'main' **/  
    if( 0 == ret ){  
        printf("Syntax_analyzer exit with syntax error.\n");  
        return 0;  
    } else{  
        /* some definition finished, the node 'DEFINITION' is the left brother of 'main' */  
        CHECK_NODE_NUM( func_name, fileField, g_SynTree.n_node_num )  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[g_SynTree.n_node_num-1].n_father_id = 0;/* the index of 'main' is g_SynTree.n_node_num-1 */  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[g_SynTree.n_node_num-1].n_identifier_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[g_SynTree.n_node_num-1].n_left_brother_id = 1;/* the node 'DEFINITION' */  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[g_SynTree.n_node_num-1].n_mode = SYN_NODE_MAINFUNID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[g_SynTree.n_node_num-1].n_right_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[g_SynTree.n_node_num-1].n_son_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[1].n_right_brother_id = g_SynTree.n_node_num-1;/* fix the right brother for node 'DEFINITION' */  
    /** [ 4 ] deal with '(' and ')' **/  
    /* [ 4.1 ] jump the spaces after 'main' */  
    JUMP_SPACES( fileField )  
    /* [ 4.2 ] check '(' */  
    if( '(' != fileField->current_ch ){  
        report_syntax_error( "syntax_analyzer", "missing '('.", fileField->n_current_line );  
        printf("Syntax_analyzer exit with syntax error.\n");  
        return 0;  
    /* [ 4.3 ] jump the spaces after '(' */  
    GET_NEW_CHAR_JUMP_SPACE( fileField )  
    /* [ 4.4 ] check ')' */  
    if( ')' != fileField->current_ch ){  
        report_syntax_error( "syntax_analyzer", "missing ')'.", fileField->n_current_line );  
        printf("Syntax_analyzer exit with syntax error.\n");  
        return 0;  
    /* [ 4.5 ] jump the spaces after ')' */  
    GET_NEW_CHAR_JUMP_SPACE( fileField )  
    /* [ 4.6 ] check '{' */  
    if( '{' != fileField->current_ch ){  
        report_syntax_error( "syntax_analyzer", "missing '{'.", fileField->n_current_line );  
        printf("Syntax_analyzer exit with syntax error.\n");  
        return 0;  
    /** [ 5 ] deal with 'BODY' **/  
    ret = BODY( fileField, g_SynTree.n_node_num-1, 0 );  
    if( 0 == ret ){  
        printf("Syntax_analyzer exit with syntax error.\n");  
        return 0;  
    /* [ 6 ] jump the spaces after 'BODY' */  
    JUMP_SPACES( fileField )  
    /* [ 7 ] check '}' */  
    if( '}' != fileField->current_ch ){  
        report_syntax_error( "syntax_analyzer", "missing '}'.", fileField->n_current_line );  
        printf("Syntax_analyzer exit with syntax error.\n");  
        return 0;  
    /* [ 8 ] jump the spaces after '}' */  
    GET_NEW_CHAR_JUMP_SPACE( fileField )  
    if( EOF != fileField->current_ch ){  
        report_syntax_error( "syntax_analyzer", "Unexpected character.", fileField->n_current_line );  
        printf("Syntax_analyzer exit with syntax error.\n");  
        return 0;  
    return 1;  
int DEFINITION(FileField *fileField, int left_brother_ID, int father_ID){  
    int ret = 0;  
    int id_length = 0;  
    char *func_name="DEFINITION";  
    unsigned int tempIndex = 0;  
    /* [ 1 ] make a node for 'DEFINITION' */  
    tempIndex = g_SynTree.n_node_num;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_father_id = father_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_identifier_id = INVALID_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_left_brother_id = left_brother_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_mode = SYN_NODE_DEFINITION;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_right_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_son_id = INVALID_ID;  
    /* [ 2 ] fix for father and left brother */  
    FIX_FATHER_LBROTHER( father_ID, left_brother_ID, tempIndex )  
    CHECK_NODE_NUM( func_name, fileField, g_SynTree.n_node_num )  
    /* [ 3 ] deal with VAR_DEF */  
    ret = VAR_DEF( fileField, INVALID_ID, tempIndex );  
    if( 0 == ret ){  
        return 0;  
    if( 1000 == ret ){  
        report_syntax_error( func_name, "Invalid identifier .", fileField->n_current_line );  
        return 0;  
    } else if( 100 == ret ){  
        return 1;  
    } else if( 200 == ret ){  
        /* [ 4 ] deal with FUNC_DEF */  
        ret = FUNC_DEF( fileField, INVALID_ID, tempIndex );  
        if( 0 == ret ){  
            return 0;  
    } else if( 300 == ret ){  
        report_syntax_error( "syntax_analyzer", "Unexpected character.", fileField->n_current_line );  
        return 0;  
    /* [ 5 ] deal with DEFINITION recursively */  
    ret = DEFINITION( fileField, g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_son_id, tempIndex );  
    if( 0 == ret ){  
        return 0;  
    return 1;  
/** if it returns 1000, it's unkown character, maybe '}' **/  
/** if it returns 100, an identifier name 'main' is stored in FileField.name_buf **/  
/** if it returns 200, an identifier name ( not 'main' ) is stored in FileField.name_buf **/  
/** if it returns 300, it's 'if' 'while' 'for' **/  
int VAR_DEF(FileField *fileField, int left_brother_ID, int father_ID){  
    int ret = 0;  
    char *func_name="VAR_DEF";  
    unsigned int tempIndex = 0;  
    unsigned int ident_index = 0;  
    int id_length = 0;  
    /* [ 1 ] jump spaces in the head */  
    GET_NEW_CHAR_JUMP_SPACE( fileField )  
    /* [ 2 ] get the first token */  
    GET_IDENTIFY( fileField, fileField->name_buf, id_length )  
    if( 0 == id_length ){  
        return 1000;  
    CHECK_KEY_WORD( fileField->name_buf, ret )  
    if( KEY_WORD_MAIN == ret ){  
        /* no definition */  
        return 100;  
    } else if( KEY_WORD_NO == ret ){  
        /* it's an identifier. maybe statment_list or syntax error. */  
        return 200;  
    }else if( KEY_WORD_INT == ret ){  
        /* [ 3 ] deal with 'VAR_DEF' */  
        /* [ 3.1 ] make a node for 'VAR_DEF' */  
        tempIndex = g_SynTree.n_node_num;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_father_id = father_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_identifier_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_left_brother_id = left_brother_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_mode = SYN_NODE_VAR_DEF;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_right_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_son_id = INVALID_ID;  
        /* [ 3.2 ] fix for father and left brother */  
        FIX_FATHER_LBROTHER( father_ID, left_brother_ID, tempIndex )  
        CHECK_NODE_NUM( func_name, fileField, g_SynTree.n_node_num )  
        /* [ 3.3 ] get the identifier after 'int' */  
        GET_IDENTIFY( fileField, fileField->name_buf, id_length )  
        if( 0 == id_length ){  
            report_syntax_error( func_name, "Invalid identifier .", fileField->n_current_line );  
            return 0;  
        CHECK_KEY_WORD( fileField->name_buf, ret )  
        if( KEY_WORD_NO != ret ){  
            /* Invalid identifier */  
            report_syntax_error( func_name, "Invalid identifier: key-word.", fileField->n_current_line );  
            return 0;  
        /* [ 3.4 ] use a IdentId to store the identifier and make a syntax node */  
        ret = add_to_IdTable(fileField, fileField->name_buf, id_length, SYN_NODE_VARID, &ident_index);  
        if( 0 == ret ){  
            return 0;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ g_SynTree.n_node_num ].n_father_id = tempIndex;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ g_SynTree.n_node_num ].n_identifier_id = ident_index;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ g_SynTree.n_node_num ].n_left_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ g_SynTree.n_node_num ].n_mode = SYN_NODE_VARID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ g_SynTree.n_node_num ].n_right_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ g_SynTree.n_node_num ].n_son_id = INVALID_ID;  
        /* [ 3.5 ] fix for father and left brother */  
        FIX_FATHER_LBROTHER( tempIndex, INVALID_ID, g_SynTree.n_node_num )  
        CHECK_NODE_NUM( func_name, fileField, g_SynTree.n_node_num )  
        /* [ 3.6 ] deal with ';' */  
        JUMP_SPACES( fileField )  
        if( ';' != fileField->current_ch ){  
            report_syntax_error( func_name, "Missing ';' .", fileField->n_current_line );  
            return 0;  
        return 1;  
    } else{  
        /* it's 'if' 'while' 'for' */  
        return 300;  
int FUNC_DEF(FileField *fileField, int left_brother_ID, int father_ID){  
    int ret = 0;  
    char *func_name="FUNC_DEF";  
    unsigned int tempIndex = 0;  
    unsigned int ident_index = 0;  
    int id_length = 0;  
    /* [ 1 ] deal with FUNC_DEF */  
    /* [ 1.1 ] make a node for FUNC_DEF */  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ g_SynTree.n_node_num ].n_father_id = father_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ g_SynTree.n_node_num ].n_identifier_id = INVALID_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ g_SynTree.n_node_num ].n_left_brother_id = left_brother_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ g_SynTree.n_node_num ].n_mode = SYN_NODE_FUNC_DEF;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ g_SynTree.n_node_num ].n_right_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ g_SynTree.n_node_num ].n_son_id = INVALID_ID;  
    /* [ 1.2 ] fix for father and left brother */  
    FIX_FATHER_LBROTHER( father_ID, left_brother_ID, g_SynTree.n_node_num )  
    CHECK_NODE_NUM( func_name, fileField, g_SynTree.n_node_num )  
    /* [ 1.3 ] use a IdentId to store the identifier and make a syntax node */  
    ret = add_to_IdTable(fileField, fileField->name_buf, (int)strlen( fileField->name_buf ), SYN_NODE_FUNID, &ident_index);  
    if( 0 == ret ){  
        return 0;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ g_SynTree.n_node_num ].n_father_id = g_SynTree.n_node_num - 1;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ g_SynTree.n_node_num ].n_identifier_id = ident_index;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ g_SynTree.n_node_num ].n_left_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ g_SynTree.n_node_num ].n_mode = SYN_NODE_FUNID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ g_SynTree.n_node_num ].n_right_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ g_SynTree.n_node_num ].n_son_id = INVALID_ID;  
    /* [ 1.4 ] fix for father and left brother */  
    FIX_FATHER_LBROTHER( g_SynTree.n_node_num - 1, INVALID_ID, g_SynTree.n_node_num )  
    CHECK_NODE_NUM( func_name, fileField, g_SynTree.n_node_num )  
    /* [ 1.5 ] deal with '(' */  
    JUMP_SPACES( fileField )  
    if( '(' != fileField->current_ch ){  
        report_syntax_error( func_name, "Missing '(' .", fileField->n_current_line );  
        return 0;  
    /* [ 1.6 ] deal with ')' */  
    GET_NEW_CHAR_JUMP_SPACE( fileField )  
    if( ')' != fileField->current_ch ){  
        report_syntax_error( func_name, "Missing ')' .", fileField->n_current_line );  
        return 0;  
    /* [ 1.7 ] deal with '{' */  
    GET_NEW_CHAR_JUMP_SPACE( fileField )  
    if( '{' != fileField->current_ch ){  
        report_syntax_error( func_name, "Missing '{' .", fileField->n_current_line );  
        return 0;  
    /* [ 1.8 ] deal with 'BODY' */  
    ret = BODY( fileField, g_SynTree.n_node_num - 1, g_SynTree.n_node_num - 2 );  
    if( 0 == ret ){  
        return 0;  
    /* [ 1.9 ] deal with '}' */  
    JUMP_SPACES( fileField )  
    if( '}' != fileField->current_ch ){  
        report_syntax_error( func_name, "Missing '}' .", fileField->n_current_line );  
        return 0;  
    return 1;  
int BODY(FileField *fileField, int left_brother_ID, int father_ID){  
    int ret = 0;  
    char *func_name="BODY";  
    unsigned int tempIndex = 0;  
    int id_length = 0;  
    /* [ 1 ] make a node for 'BODY' */  
    tempIndex = g_SynTree.n_node_num;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_father_id = father_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_identifier_id = INVALID_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_left_brother_id = left_brother_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_mode = SYN_NODE_BODY;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_right_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_son_id = INVALID_ID;  
    /* [ 2 ] fix for father and left brother */  
    FIX_FATHER_LBROTHER( father_ID, left_brother_ID, tempIndex )  
    CHECK_NODE_NUM( func_name, fileField, g_SynTree.n_node_num )  
    /* [ 3 ] deal with VAR_DEFINITION */  
    ret = VAR_DEFINITION( fileField, INVALID_ID, tempIndex );  
    if( 0 == ret ){  
        return 0;  
    if( 400 != ret ){  
        /* [ 4 ] deal with STATEMENT_LIST */  
        ret = STATEMENT_LIST( fileField, g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_son_id, tempIndex );  
        if( 0 == ret ){  
            return 0;  
    return 1;  
/** if it returns 200, an identifier name is stored in FileField.name_buf **/  
/** if it returns 300, it's 'if' 'while' 'for' **/  
/** if it returns 400, an empty statment_list is following **/  
int VAR_DEFINITION(FileField *fileField, int left_brother_ID, int father_ID){  
    int ret = 0;  
    char *func_name="VAR_DEFINITION";  
    unsigned int tempIndex = 0;  
    /* [ 1 ] make a node for 'VAR_DEFINITION' */  
    tempIndex = g_SynTree.n_node_num;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_father_id = father_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_identifier_id = INVALID_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_left_brother_id = left_brother_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_mode = SYN_NODE_VAR_DEFINITION;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_right_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_son_id = INVALID_ID;  
    /* [ 2 ] fix for father and left brother */  
    FIX_FATHER_LBROTHER( father_ID, left_brother_ID, tempIndex )  
    CHECK_NODE_NUM( func_name, fileField, g_SynTree.n_node_num )  
    /* [ 3 ] deal with VAR_DEF */  
    ret = VAR_DEF( fileField, INVALID_ID, tempIndex );  
    if( 0 == ret ){  
        return 0;  
    if( 1000 == ret ){  
        if( '}' != fileField->current_ch ){  
            report_syntax_error( func_name, "Invalid identifier .", fileField->n_current_line );  
            return 0;  
        } else{  
            /* Empty statement_list */  
            return 400;  
    } else if( 100 == ret ){  
        report_syntax_error( "syntax_analyzer", "Unexpected key-word 'main'.", fileField->n_current_line );  
        return 0;/* 'main' can't be here */  
    } else if( 200 == ret ){  
        /* [ 4 ] 'STATEMENT_LIST' is following */  
        return 200;  
    } else if( 300 == ret ){  
        /* [ 5 ] 'STATEMENT_LIST' is following */  
        return 300;  
    ret = VAR_DEFINITION( fileField, g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_son_id, tempIndex );  
    return ret;  
int STATEMENT_LIST(FileField *fileField, int left_brother_ID, int father_ID){  
    int ret = 0;  
    char *func_name="STATEMENT_LIST";  
    unsigned int tempIndex = 0;  
    unsigned int id_length = 0;  
    /* [ 1 ] make a node for 'STATEMENT_LIST' */  
    tempIndex = g_SynTree.n_node_num;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_father_id = father_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_identifier_id = INVALID_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_left_brother_id = left_brother_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_mode = SYN_NODE_STATEMENT_LIST;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_right_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_son_id = INVALID_ID;  
    /* [ 2 ] fix for father and left brother */  
    FIX_FATHER_LBROTHER( father_ID, left_brother_ID, tempIndex )  
    CHECK_NODE_NUM( func_name, fileField, g_SynTree.n_node_num )  
    /* [ 3 ] check the last byte */  
    if( '}' == fileField->current_ch ){  
        /* the statement list is empty */  
        return 1;  
    /* [ 4 ] check the key-word which has already been read */  
    CHECK_KEY_WORD( fileField->name_buf, ret )  
    if( KEY_WORD_NO == ret ){  
        JUMP_SPACES( fileField )  
        if( '=' == fileField->current_ch ){  
            /* [ 4.1 ] it's an ASSIGN_STMT */  
            ret = ASSIGN_STMT( fileField, INVALID_ID, tempIndex );  
            if( 0 == ret ){  
                return 0;  
            JUMP_SPACES( fileField )  
            if( ';' != fileField->current_ch ){  
                /* check ';' */  
                report_syntax_error( func_name, "Missing ';' .", fileField->n_current_line );  
                return 0;  
        } else if( '(' == fileField->current_ch ){  
            /* [ 4.2 ] it's an FUNC_CALL */  
            ret = FUNC_CALL( fileField, INVALID_ID, tempIndex );  
            if( 0 == ret ){  
                return 0;  
        } else{  
            report_syntax_error( func_name, "Unknown statement .", fileField->n_current_line );  
            return 0;  
    } else if( KEY_WORD_IF == ret ){  
        /* [ 4.2 ] deal with IF_STMT */  
        ret = IF_STMT( fileField, INVALID_ID, tempIndex );  
        if( 0 == ret ){  
            return 0;  
    } else if( KEY_WORD_WHILE == ret ){  
        /* [ 4.3 ] deal with WHILE_STMT */  
        ret = WHILE_STMT( fileField, INVALID_ID, tempIndex );  
        if( 0 == ret ){  
            return 0;  
    } else if( KEY_WORD_FOR == ret ){  
        /* [ 4.4 ] deal with FOR_STMT */  
        ret = FOR_STMT( fileField, INVALID_ID, tempIndex );  
        if( 0 == ret ){  
            return 0;  
    } else {  
        report_syntax_error( func_name, "Invalid identifier .", fileField->n_current_line );  
        return 0;  
    /* [ 5 ] jump spaces */  
    GET_NEW_CHAR_JUMP_SPACE( fileField )  
    /* [ 6 ] get the next token */  
    GET_IDENTIFY( fileField, fileField->name_buf, id_length )  
    /* [ 7 ] call STATEMENT_LIST() recursively */  
    ret = STATEMENT_LIST( fileField, g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_son_id, tempIndex );  
    if( 0 == ret ){  
        return 0;  
    return 1;  
int ASSIGN_STMT(FileField *fileField, int left_brother_ID, int father_ID){  
    int ret = 0;  
    char *func_name="ASSIGN_STMT";  
    unsigned int tempIndex = 0;  
    unsigned int ident_index = 0;  
    IdentId_P p_cur_id = NULL;  
    /* [ 1 ] make a node for 'ASSIGN_STMT' */  
    tempIndex = g_SynTree.n_node_num;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_father_id = father_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_identifier_id = INVALID_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_left_brother_id = left_brother_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_mode = SYN_NODE_ASSIGN_STMT;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_right_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_son_id = INVALID_ID;  
    /* [ 2 ] fix for father and left brother */  
    FIX_FATHER_LBROTHER( father_ID, left_brother_ID, tempIndex )  
    CHECK_NODE_NUM( func_name, fileField, g_SynTree.n_node_num )  
    /* [ 3 ] find the identifier in IdTable */  
    ret = find_in_IdTable(fileField, fileField->name_buf, (int)strlen(fileField->name_buf), &ident_index);  
    if( 0 == ret ){  
        return 0;  
    p_cur_id = &g_IdTable.pIdList[ ident_index ];  
    if( p_cur_id->n_mode != SYN_NODE_VARID ){  
        report_syntax_error( func_name, "Identifier can't be assigned, it's a function name.", fileField->n_current_line );  
        return 0;  
    /* [ 4 ] make a node for the identifier */  
    tempIndex = g_SynTree.n_node_num;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_father_id = tempIndex - 1;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_identifier_id = ident_index;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_left_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_mode = SYN_NODE_VARID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_right_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_son_id = INVALID_ID;  
    /* [ 5 ] fix for father and left brother */  
    FIX_FATHER_LBROTHER( tempIndex - 1, INVALID_ID, tempIndex )  
    CHECK_NODE_NUM( func_name, fileField, g_SynTree.n_node_num )  
    /* [ 6 ] check the '=' */  
    JUMP_SPACES( fileField )  
    if( '=' != fileField->current_ch ){  
        report_syntax_error( func_name, "Missing '='.", fileField->n_current_line );  
        return 0;  
    /* [ 7 ] deal with FORMULA */  
    ret = FORMULA( fileField, tempIndex, tempIndex - 1 );  
    if( 0 == ret ){  
        return 0;  
    return 1;  
int IF_STMT(FileField *fileField, int left_brother_ID, int father_ID){  
    int ret = 0;  
    char *func_name="IF_STMT";  
    unsigned int tempIndex = 0;  
    unsigned int id_length = 0;  
    /* [ 1 ] make a node for 'IF_STMT' */  
    tempIndex = g_SynTree.n_node_num;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_father_id = father_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_identifier_id = INVALID_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_left_brother_id = left_brother_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_mode = SYN_NODE_IF_STMT;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_right_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_son_id = INVALID_ID;  
    /* [ 2 ] fix for father and left brother */  
    FIX_FATHER_LBROTHER( father_ID, left_brother_ID, tempIndex )  
    CHECK_NODE_NUM( func_name, fileField, g_SynTree.n_node_num )  
    /* [ 3 ] check '('  */  
    JUMP_SPACES( fileField )  
    if( '(' != fileField->current_ch ){  
        report_syntax_error( func_name, "Missing '('.", fileField->n_current_line );  
        return 0;  
    /* [ 4 ] deal with BOOL_FORMULA */  
    /* [ 4.1 ] jump spaces in the head for two bytes operator e.g. '>=' */  
    GET_NEW_CHAR_JUMP_SPACE( fileField )  
    ret = BOOL_FORMULA( fileField, INVALID_ID, tempIndex );  
    if( 0 == ret ){  
        return 0;  
    /* [ 5 ] check ')'  */  
    JUMP_SPACES( fileField )  
    if( ')' != fileField->current_ch ){  
        report_syntax_error( func_name, "Missing ')'.", fileField->n_current_line );  
        return 0;  
    /* [ 6 ] jump spaces */  
    GET_NEW_CHAR_JUMP_SPACE( fileField )  
    /* [ 7 ] check '{' */  
    if( '{' != fileField->current_ch ){  
        report_syntax_error( func_name, "Missing '{'.", fileField->n_current_line );  
        return 0;  
    /* [ 8 ] jump spaces */  
    GET_NEW_CHAR_JUMP_SPACE( fileField )  
    /* [ 9 ] get the next token */  
    GET_IDENTIFY( fileField, fileField->name_buf, id_length )  
    /* [ 10 ] call STATEMENT_LIST() */  
    ret = STATEMENT_LIST( fileField, g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_son_id, tempIndex );  
    if( 0 == ret ){  
        return 0;  
    /* [ 11 ] deal with '}' */  
    JUMP_SPACES( fileField )  
    if( '}' != fileField->current_ch ){  
        report_syntax_error( func_name, "Missing '}' .", fileField->n_current_line );  
        return 0;  
    return 1;  
int FOR_STMT(FileField *fileField, int left_brother_ID, int father_ID){  
    int ret = 0;  
    char *func_name="FOR_STMT";  
    unsigned int for_stmt_index = 0;  
    unsigned int tempIndex = 0;  
    unsigned int id_length = 0;  
    /* [ 1 ] make a node for 'FOR_STMT' */  
    tempIndex = g_SynTree.n_node_num;  
    for_stmt_index = tempIndex;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_father_id = father_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_identifier_id = INVALID_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_left_brother_id = left_brother_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_mode = SYN_NODE_FOR_STMT;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_right_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_son_id = INVALID_ID;  
    /* [ 2 ] fix for father and left brother */  
    FIX_FATHER_LBROTHER( father_ID, left_brother_ID, tempIndex )  
    CHECK_NODE_NUM( func_name, fileField, g_SynTree.n_node_num )  
    /* [ 3 ] check '('  */  
    JUMP_SPACES( fileField )  
    if( '(' != fileField->current_ch ){  
        report_syntax_error( func_name, "Missing '('.", fileField->n_current_line );  
        return 0;  
    /* [ 4 ] jump spaces */  
    GET_NEW_CHAR_JUMP_SPACE( fileField )  
    if( ';' == fileField->current_ch ){  
        /* [ 5 ] first statement is empty, make an empty node */  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_father_id = for_stmt_index;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_identifier_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_left_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_mode = SYN_NODE_EMPTY;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_right_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_son_id = INVALID_ID;  
        /* [ 5.1 ] fix for father and left brother */  
        FIX_FATHER_LBROTHER( for_stmt_index, INVALID_ID, tempIndex )  
        CHECK_NODE_NUM( func_name, fileField, g_SynTree.n_node_num )  
    } else{  
        /* [ 6 ] deal with ASSIGN_STMT */  
        /* [ 6.1 ] get the next token */  
        GET_IDENTIFY( fileField, fileField->name_buf, id_length )  
        ret = ASSIGN_STMT( fileField, INVALID_ID, for_stmt_index );  
        if( 0 == ret ){  
            return 0;  
        JUMP_SPACES( fileField )  
        if( ';' != fileField->current_ch ){  
            /* check ';' */  
            report_syntax_error( func_name, "Missing ';' .", fileField->n_current_line );  
            return 0;  
    /* [ 7 ] deal with BOOL_FORMULA */  
    /* [ 7.1 ] jump spaces in the head for two bytes operator e.g. '>=' */  
    GET_NEW_CHAR_JUMP_SPACE( fileField )  
    ret = BOOL_FORMULA( fileField, g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ for_stmt_index ].n_son_id, for_stmt_index );  
    if( 0 == ret ){  
        return 0;  
    JUMP_SPACES( fileField )  
    if( ';' != fileField->current_ch ){  
        /* check ';' */  
        report_syntax_error( func_name, "Missing ';' .", fileField->n_current_line );  
        return 0;  
    /* [ 7.1 ] store the index of BOOL_FORMULA */  
    tempIndex = g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ for_stmt_index ].n_son_id ].n_right_brother_id;  
    /* [ 8 ] jump spaces */  
    GET_NEW_CHAR_JUMP_SPACE( fileField )  
    if( ')' == fileField->current_ch ){  
        /* [ 9 ] last statement is empty, make an empty node */  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ g_SynTree.n_node_num ].n_father_id = for_stmt_index;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ g_SynTree.n_node_num ].n_identifier_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ g_SynTree.n_node_num ].n_left_brother_id = tempIndex;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ g_SynTree.n_node_num ].n_mode = SYN_NODE_EMPTY;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ g_SynTree.n_node_num ].n_right_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ g_SynTree.n_node_num ].n_son_id = INVALID_ID;  
        /* [ 9.1 ] fix for father and left brother */  
        FIX_FATHER_LBROTHER( for_stmt_index, tempIndex, g_SynTree.n_node_num )  
        CHECK_NODE_NUM( func_name, fileField, g_SynTree.n_node_num )  
    } else{  
        /* [ 10 ] deal with ASSIGN_STMT */  
        /* [ 10.1 ] get the next token */  
        GET_IDENTIFY( fileField, fileField->name_buf, id_length )  
        ret = ASSIGN_STMT( fileField, tempIndex, for_stmt_index );  
        if( 0 == ret ){  
            return 0;  
        JUMP_SPACES( fileField )  
        if( ')' != fileField->current_ch ){  
            /* check ')' */  
            report_syntax_error( func_name, "Missing ')' .", fileField->n_current_line );  
            return 0;  
    /* [ 10.1 ] store the index of third child of FOR_STMT */  
    tempIndex = g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_right_brother_id;  
    /* [ 11 ] jump spaces */  
    GET_NEW_CHAR_JUMP_SPACE( fileField )  
    /* [ 12 ] check '{' */  
    if( '{' != fileField->current_ch ){  
        report_syntax_error( func_name, "Missing '{' .", fileField->n_current_line );  
        return 0;  
    /* [ 13 ] jump spaces */  
    GET_NEW_CHAR_JUMP_SPACE( fileField )  
    /* [ 14 ] get the next token */  
    GET_IDENTIFY( fileField, fileField->name_buf, id_length )  
    /* [ 15 ] call STATEMENT_LIST() */  
    ret = STATEMENT_LIST( fileField, tempIndex, for_stmt_index );  
    if( 0 == ret ){  
        return 0;  
    /* [ 16 ] deal with '}' */  
    JUMP_SPACES( fileField )  
    if( '}' != fileField->current_ch ){  
        report_syntax_error( func_name, "Missing '}' .", fileField->n_current_line );  
        return 0;  
    return 1;  
int WHILE_STMT(FileField *fileField, int left_brother_ID, int father_ID){  
    int ret = 0;  
    char *func_name="WHILE_STMT";  
    unsigned int tempIndex = 0;  
    unsigned int id_length = 0;  
    /* [ 1 ] make a node for 'WHILE_STMT' */  
    tempIndex = g_SynTree.n_node_num;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_father_id = father_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_identifier_id = INVALID_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_left_brother_id = left_brother_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_mode = SYN_NODE_WHILE_STMT;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_right_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_son_id = INVALID_ID;  
    /* [ 2 ] fix for father and left brother */  
    FIX_FATHER_LBROTHER( father_ID, left_brother_ID, tempIndex )  
    CHECK_NODE_NUM( func_name, fileField, g_SynTree.n_node_num )  
    /* [ 3 ] check '('  */  
    JUMP_SPACES( fileField )  
    if( '(' != fileField->current_ch ){  
        report_syntax_error( func_name, "Missing '('.", fileField->n_current_line );  
        return 0;  
    /* [ 4 ] jump spaces */  
    /* [ 5.1 ] jump spaces in the head for two bytes operator e.g. '>=' */  
    GET_NEW_CHAR_JUMP_SPACE( fileField )  
    /* [ 5 ] deal with BOOL_FORMULA */  
    ret = BOOL_FORMULA( fileField, INVALID_ID, tempIndex );  
    if( 0 == ret ){  
        return 0;  
    /* [ 6 ] check ')' */  
    JUMP_SPACES( fileField )  
    if( ')' != fileField->current_ch ){  
        report_syntax_error( func_name, "Missing ')'.", fileField->n_current_line );  
        return 0;  
    /* [ 7 ] jump spaces */  
    GET_NEW_CHAR_JUMP_SPACE( fileField )  
    /* [ 8 ] check '{' */  
    if( '{' != fileField->current_ch ){  
        report_syntax_error( func_name, "Missing '{'.", fileField->n_current_line );  
        return 0;  
    /* [ 9 ] jump spaces */  
    GET_NEW_CHAR_JUMP_SPACE( fileField )  
    /* [ 10 ] get the next token */  
    GET_IDENTIFY( fileField, fileField->name_buf, id_length )  
    /* [ 11 ] call STATEMENT_LIST() */  
    ret = STATEMENT_LIST( fileField, g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_son_id, tempIndex );  
    if( 0 == ret ){  
        return 0;  
    /* [ 12 ] deal with '}' */  
    JUMP_SPACES( fileField )  
    if( '}' != fileField->current_ch ){  
        report_syntax_error( func_name, "Missing '}' .", fileField->n_current_line );  
        return 0;  
    return 1;  
int FORMULA(FileField *fileField, int left_brother_ID, int father_ID){  
    int ret = 0;  
    char *func_name="FORMULA";  
    unsigned int tempIndex = 0;  
    unsigned int FORMULAIndex = 0;  
    unsigned int id_length = 0;  
    unsigned int ident_index = 0;  
    int int_value = 0;  
    IdentId_P p_cur_id = NULL;  
    /* [ 1 ] make a node for 'FORMULA' */  
    tempIndex = g_SynTree.n_node_num;  
    FORMULAIndex = tempIndex;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_father_id = father_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_identifier_id = INVALID_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_left_brother_id = left_brother_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_mode = SYN_NODE_FORMULA;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_right_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_son_id = INVALID_ID;  
    /* [ 2 ] fix for father and left brother */  
    FIX_FATHER_LBROTHER( father_ID, left_brother_ID, tempIndex )  
    CHECK_NODE_NUM( func_name, fileField, g_SynTree.n_node_num )  
    /* [ 3 ] jump spaces in the head */  
    GET_NEW_CHAR_JUMP_SPACE( fileField )  
    /* [ 4 ] check the first byte */  
    if( '(' == fileField->current_ch ){  
        /* [ 5 ] make a node for '(' */  
        tempIndex = g_SynTree.n_node_num;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_father_id = FORMULAIndex;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_identifier_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_left_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_mode = SYN_NODE_L_parenthesis;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_right_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_son_id = INVALID_ID;  
        /* [ 5.1 ] fix for father and left brother */  
        CHECK_NODE_NUM( func_name, fileField, g_SynTree.n_node_num )  
        /* [ 5.2 ] deal with FORMULA recursively */  
        ret = FORMULA( fileField, tempIndex, FORMULAIndex );  
        if( 0 == ret ){  
            return 0;  
        /* [ 5.3 ] check ')' */  
        JUMP_SPACES( fileField )  
        if( ')' != fileField->current_ch ){  
            report_syntax_error( func_name, "Missing ')' .", fileField->n_current_line );  
            return 0;  
        /* [ 5.4 ] make a node for ')' */  
        tempIndex = g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_right_brother_id;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ g_SynTree.n_node_num ].n_father_id = FORMULAIndex;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ g_SynTree.n_node_num ].n_identifier_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ g_SynTree.n_node_num ].n_left_brother_id = tempIndex;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ g_SynTree.n_node_num ].n_mode = SYN_NODE_R_parenthesis;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ g_SynTree.n_node_num ].n_right_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ g_SynTree.n_node_num ].n_son_id = INVALID_ID;  
        /* [ 5.5 ] fix for father and left brother */  
        FIX_FATHER_LBROTHER( FORMULAIndex, tempIndex , g_SynTree.n_node_num )  
        CHECK_NODE_NUM( func_name, fileField, g_SynTree.n_node_num )  
        /* [ 5.6 ] jump spaces in the end */  
        GET_NEW_CHAR_JUMP_SPACE( fileField )  
        /* [ 5.7 ] reflash the tempIndex */  
        tempIndex = g_SynTree.n_node_num - 1;  
    } else if( isalpha( fileField->current_ch ) ){  
        /* [ 6 ] deal with identifier */  
        GET_IDENTIFY( fileField, fileField->name_buf, id_length )  
        if( 0 == id_length ){  
            report_syntax_error( func_name, "Invalid identifier .", fileField->n_current_line );  
            return 0;  
        CHECK_KEY_WORD( fileField->name_buf, ret )  
        if( KEY_WORD_NO != ret ){  
            report_syntax_error( func_name, "Invalid identifier :key-word.", fileField->n_current_line );  
            return 0;  
        /* [ 6.1 ] find the identifier in IdTable */  
        ret = find_in_IdTable(fileField, fileField->name_buf, (int)strlen(fileField->name_buf), &ident_index);  
        if( 0 == ret ){  
            return 0;  
        p_cur_id = &g_IdTable.pIdList[ ident_index ];  
        if( p_cur_id->n_mode != SYN_NODE_VARID ){  
            report_syntax_error( func_name, "Identifier can't be caculated, it's a function name.", fileField->n_current_line );  
            return 0;  
        /* [ 6.2 ] make a node for the identifier */  
        tempIndex = g_SynTree.n_node_num;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_father_id = FORMULAIndex;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_identifier_id = ident_index;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_left_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_mode = SYN_NODE_VARID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_right_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_son_id = INVALID_ID;  
        /* [ 6.3 ] fix for father and left brother */  
        CHECK_NODE_NUM( func_name, fileField, g_SynTree.n_node_num )  
    } else{  
        /* [ 7 ] deal with numbers */  
        ret = get_number( fileField, &int_value );  
        if( 0 == ret ){  
            return 0;  
        /* [ 7.1 ] make a node for the integer */  
        tempIndex = g_SynTree.n_node_num;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_father_id = FORMULAIndex;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_identifier_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_left_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_mode = SYN_NODE_NUMBER;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_right_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_son_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_int_value = int_value;  
        /* [ 7.2 ] fix for father and left brother */  
        CHECK_NODE_NUM( func_name, fileField, g_SynTree.n_node_num )  
    /* [ 8 ] deal with FORMULA_FOLLOW */  
    ret = FORMULA_FOLLOW( fileField, tempIndex,  FORMULAIndex );  
    if( 0 == ret ){  
        return 0;  
    return 1;  
int BOOL_FORMULA(FileField *fileField, int left_brother_ID, int father_ID){  
    int ret = 0;  
    char *func_name="BOOL_FORMULA";  
    unsigned int tempIndex = 0;  
    unsigned int BOOL_FORMULAIndex = 0;  
    unsigned int id_length = 0;  
    unsigned int ident_index = 0;  
    int int_value = 0;  
    IdentId_P p_cur_id = NULL;  
    /* [ 1 ] make a node for 'BOOL_FORMULA' */  
    tempIndex = g_SynTree.n_node_num;  
    BOOL_FORMULAIndex = tempIndex;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_father_id = father_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_identifier_id = INVALID_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_left_brother_id = left_brother_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_mode = SYN_NODE_BOOL_FORMULA;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_right_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_son_id = INVALID_ID;  
    /* [ 2 ] fix for father and left brother */  
    FIX_FATHER_LBROTHER( father_ID, left_brother_ID, tempIndex )  
    CHECK_NODE_NUM( func_name, fileField, g_SynTree.n_node_num )  
    /* [ 3 ] jump spaces in the head */  
    JUMP_SPACES( fileField )  
    /* [ 4 ] check the first byte */  
    if( '(' == fileField->current_ch ){  
        /* [ 5 ] make a node for '(' */  
        tempIndex = g_SynTree.n_node_num;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_father_id = BOOL_FORMULAIndex;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_identifier_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_left_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_mode = SYN_NODE_L_parenthesis;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_right_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_son_id = INVALID_ID;  
        /* [ 5.1 ] fix for father and left brother */  
        CHECK_NODE_NUM( func_name, fileField, g_SynTree.n_node_num )  
        /* [ 5.2 ] deal with BOOL_FORMULA recursively */  
        /* jump spaces in the head for two bytes operator e.g. '>=' */  
        GET_NEW_CHAR_JUMP_SPACE( fileField )  
        ret = BOOL_FORMULA( fileField, tempIndex, BOOL_FORMULAIndex );  
        if( 0 == ret ){  
            return 0;  
        /* [ 5.3 ] check ')' */  
        JUMP_SPACES( fileField )  
        if( ')' != fileField->current_ch ){  
            report_syntax_error( func_name, "Missing ')' .", fileField->n_current_line );  
            return 0;  
        /* [ 5.4 ] make a node for ')' */  
        tempIndex = g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_right_brother_id;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ g_SynTree.n_node_num ].n_father_id = BOOL_FORMULAIndex;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ g_SynTree.n_node_num ].n_identifier_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ g_SynTree.n_node_num ].n_left_brother_id = tempIndex;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ g_SynTree.n_node_num ].n_mode = SYN_NODE_R_parenthesis;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ g_SynTree.n_node_num ].n_right_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ g_SynTree.n_node_num ].n_son_id = INVALID_ID;  
        /* [ 5.5 ] fix for father and left brother */  
        FIX_FATHER_LBROTHER( BOOL_FORMULAIndex, tempIndex , g_SynTree.n_node_num )  
        tempIndex = g_SynTree.n_node_num;/* Fix Bug */  
        CHECK_NODE_NUM( func_name, fileField, g_SynTree.n_node_num )  
        /* [ 5.6 ] jump spaces in the end */  
        GET_NEW_CHAR_JUMP_SPACE( fileField )  
    } else if( isalpha( fileField->current_ch ) ){  
        /* [ 6 ] deal with identifier */  
        GET_IDENTIFY( fileField, fileField->name_buf, id_length )  
        if( 0 == id_length ){  
            report_syntax_error( func_name, "Invalid identifier .", fileField->n_current_line );  
            return 0;  
        CHECK_KEY_WORD( fileField->name_buf, ret )  
        if( KEY_WORD_NO != ret ){  
            report_syntax_error( func_name, "Invalid identifier :key-word.", fileField->n_current_line );  
            return 0;  
        /* [ 6.1 ] find the identifier in IdTable */  
        ret = find_in_IdTable(fileField, fileField->name_buf, (int)strlen(fileField->name_buf), &ident_index);  
        if( 0 == ret ){  
            return 0;  
        p_cur_id = &g_IdTable.pIdList[ ident_index ];  
        if( p_cur_id->n_mode != SYN_NODE_VARID ){  
            report_syntax_error( func_name, "Identifier can't be caculated, it's a function name.", fileField->n_current_line );  
            return 0;  
        /* [ 6.2 ] make a node for the identifier */  
        tempIndex = g_SynTree.n_node_num;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_father_id = BOOL_FORMULAIndex;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_identifier_id = ident_index;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_left_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_mode = SYN_NODE_VARID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_right_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_son_id = INVALID_ID;  
        /* [ 6.3 ] fix for father and left brother */  
        CHECK_NODE_NUM( func_name, fileField, g_SynTree.n_node_num )  
    } else{  
        /* [ 7 ] deal with numbers */  
        ret = get_number( fileField, &int_value );  
        if( 0 == ret ){  
            return 0;  
        /* [ 7.1 ] make a node for the integer */  
        tempIndex = g_SynTree.n_node_num;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_father_id = BOOL_FORMULAIndex;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_identifier_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_left_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_mode = SYN_NODE_NUMBER;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_right_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_son_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_int_value = int_value;  
        /* [ 7.2 ] fix for father and left brother */  
        CHECK_NODE_NUM( func_name, fileField, g_SynTree.n_node_num )  
    /* [ 8 ] deal with BOOL_FORMULA_FOLLOW */  
    ret = BOOL_FORMULA_FOLLOW( fileField, tempIndex,  BOOL_FORMULAIndex );  
    if( 0 == ret ){  
        return 0;  
    return 1;  
int FORMULA_FOLLOW(FileField *fileField, int left_brother_ID, int father_ID){  
    int ret = 0;  
    char *func_name="FORMULA_FOLLOW";  
    unsigned int tempIndex = 0;  
    /* [ 1 ] make a node for 'FORMULA_FOLLOW' */  
    tempIndex = g_SynTree.n_node_num;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_father_id = father_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_identifier_id = INVALID_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_left_brother_id = left_brother_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_mode = SYN_NODE_FORMULA_FOLLOW;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_right_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_son_id = INVALID_ID;  
    /* [ 2 ] fix for father and left brother */  
    FIX_FATHER_LBROTHER( father_ID, left_brother_ID, tempIndex )  
    CHECK_NODE_NUM( func_name, fileField, g_SynTree.n_node_num )  
    /* [ 3 ] check the first byte */  
    JUMP_SPACES( fileField )  
    if( '+' == fileField->current_ch ){  
        /* [ 4 ] make a node for '+' */  
        tempIndex = g_SynTree.n_node_num;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_father_id = tempIndex - 1;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_identifier_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_left_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_mode = SYN_NODE_ADD;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_right_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_son_id = INVALID_ID;  
        /* [ 4.1 ] fix for father and left brother */  
        FIX_FATHER_LBROTHER( tempIndex - 1, INVALID_ID, tempIndex )  
        CHECK_NODE_NUM( func_name, fileField, g_SynTree.n_node_num )  
    } else if( '-' ==  fileField->current_ch ){  
        /* [ 5 ] make a node for '-' */  
        tempIndex = g_SynTree.n_node_num;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_father_id = tempIndex - 1;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_identifier_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_left_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_mode = SYN_NODE_SUB;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_right_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_son_id = INVALID_ID;  
        /* [ 5.1 ] fix for father and left brother */  
        FIX_FATHER_LBROTHER( tempIndex - 1, INVALID_ID, tempIndex )  
        CHECK_NODE_NUM( func_name, fileField, g_SynTree.n_node_num )  
    } else if( '*' == fileField->current_ch ){  
        /* [ 6 ] make a node for '*' */  
        tempIndex = g_SynTree.n_node_num;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_father_id = tempIndex - 1;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_identifier_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_left_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_mode = SYN_NODE_MUT;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_right_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_son_id = INVALID_ID;  
        /* [ 6.1 ] fix for father and left brother */  
        FIX_FATHER_LBROTHER( tempIndex - 1, INVALID_ID, tempIndex )  
        CHECK_NODE_NUM( func_name, fileField, g_SynTree.n_node_num )  
    } else if( '/' == fileField->current_ch ){  
        /* [ 7 ] make a node for '/' */  
        tempIndex = g_SynTree.n_node_num;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_father_id = tempIndex - 1;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_identifier_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_left_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_mode = SYN_NODE_DIV;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_right_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
        g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_son_id = INVALID_ID;  
        /* [ 7.1 ] fix for father and left brother */  
        FIX_FATHER_LBROTHER( tempIndex - 1, INVALID_ID, tempIndex )  
        CHECK_NODE_NUM( func_name, fileField, g_SynTree.n_node_num )  
    } else{  
        /* empty follow */  
        return 1;  
    /* [ 8 ] deal with FORMULA */  
    ret = FORMULA( fileField, tempIndex, tempIndex - 1 );  
    if( 0 == ret ){  
        return 0;  
    return 1;  
int BOOL_FORMULA_FOLLOW(FileField *fileField, int left_brother_ID, int father_ID){  
    int ret = 0;  
    char *func_name="BOOL_FORMULA_FOLLOW";  
    unsigned int tempIndex = 0;  
    short n_mode = 0;  
    /* [ 1 ] make a node for 'BOOL_FORMULA_FOLLOW' */  
    tempIndex = g_SynTree.n_node_num;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_father_id = father_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_identifier_id = INVALID_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_left_brother_id = left_brother_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_mode = SYN_NODE_BOOL_FORMULA_FOLLOW;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_right_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_son_id = INVALID_ID;  
    /* [ 2 ] fix for father and left brother */  
    FIX_FATHER_LBROTHER( father_ID, left_brother_ID, tempIndex )  
    CHECK_NODE_NUM( func_name, fileField, g_SynTree.n_node_num )  
    /* [ 3 ] check the operator, maybe two bytes */  
    JUMP_SPACES( fileField )  
    if( '|' == fileField->current_ch ){  
        /* [ 4 ] deal with the operator '||' */  
        fileField->current_ch = fgetc( fileField->fp );  
        CHECK_NEW_LINE( fileField )  
        if( '|' != fileField->current_ch ){  
            report_syntax_error( func_name, "Invalid operator.", fileField->n_current_line );  
            return 0;  
        /* [ 4.1 ] mode is '||' */  
        n_mode = SYN_NODE_OR;  
        /* [ 4.2 ] jump spaces in the end */  
        GET_NEW_CHAR_JUMP_SPACE( fileField )  
    } else if( '&' == fileField->current_ch){  
        /* [ 5 ] deal with the operator '&&' */  
        fileField->current_ch = fgetc( fileField->fp );  
        CHECK_NEW_LINE( fileField )  
        if( '&' != fileField->current_ch ){  
            report_syntax_error( func_name, "Invalid operator.", fileField->n_current_line );  
            return 0;  
        /* [ 5.1 ] mode is '||' */  
        n_mode = SYN_NODE_AND;  
        /* [ 5.2 ] jump spaces in the end */  
        GET_NEW_CHAR_JUMP_SPACE( fileField )  
    } else if( '<' == fileField->current_ch){  
        /* [ 6 ] deal with the operator '<' or '<=' */  
        fileField->current_ch = fgetc( fileField->fp );  
        CHECK_NEW_LINE( fileField )  
        if( '=' != fileField->current_ch ){  
            /* [ 6.1 ] mode is '<' */  
            n_mode = SYN_NODE_LESS;  
        } else{  
            /* [ 6.2 ] mode is '<=' */  
            n_mode = SYN_NODE_NOT_MORE;  
            /* [ 6.3 ] jump spaces in the end */  
            GET_NEW_CHAR_JUMP_SPACE( fileField )  
    } else if( '>' == fileField->current_ch){  
        /* [ 7 ] deal with the operator '>' or '>=' */  
        fileField->current_ch = fgetc( fileField->fp );  
        CHECK_NEW_LINE( fileField )  
        if( '=' != fileField->current_ch ){  
            /* [ 7.1 ] mode is '>' */  
            n_mode = SYN_NODE_MORE;  
        } else{  
            /* [ 7.2 ] mode is '>=' */  
            n_mode = SYN_NODE_NOT_LESS;  
            /* [ 7.3 ] jump spaces in the end */  
            GET_NEW_CHAR_JUMP_SPACE( fileField )  
    } else if( '=' == fileField->current_ch){  
        /* [ 8 ] deal with the operator '==' */  
        fileField->current_ch = fgetc( fileField->fp );  
        CHECK_NEW_LINE( fileField )  
        if( '=' != fileField->current_ch ){  
            report_syntax_error( func_name, "Invalid operator.", fileField->n_current_line );  
            return 0;  
        /* [ 8.1 ] mode is '==' */  
        n_mode = SYN_NODE_EQ;  
        /* [ 8.2 ] jump spaces in the end */  
        GET_NEW_CHAR_JUMP_SPACE( fileField )  
    } else if( '!' == fileField->current_ch){  
        /* [ 9 ] deal with the operator '!=' */  
        fileField->current_ch = fgetc( fileField->fp );  
        CHECK_NEW_LINE( fileField )  
        if( '=' != fileField->current_ch ){  
            report_syntax_error( func_name, "Invalid operator.", fileField->n_current_line );  
            return 0;  
        /* [ 9.1 ] mode is '!=' */  
        n_mode = SYN_NODE_NOT_EQ;  
        /* [ 9.2 ] jump spaces in the end */  
        GET_NEW_CHAR_JUMP_SPACE( fileField )  
    } else if( '+' == fileField->current_ch){  
        /* [ 10 ] deal with the operator '+' */  
        n_mode = SYN_NODE_ADD;  
        /* [ 10.1 ] jump spaces in the end */  
        GET_NEW_CHAR_JUMP_SPACE( fileField )  
    } else if( '-' == fileField->current_ch){  
        /* [ 11 ] deal with the operator '-' */  
        n_mode = SYN_NODE_SUB;  
        /* [ 11.1 ] jump spaces in the end */  
        GET_NEW_CHAR_JUMP_SPACE( fileField )  
    } else if( '*' == fileField->current_ch){  
        /* [ 12 ] deal with the operator '*' */  
        n_mode = SYN_NODE_MUT;  
        /* [ 12.1 ] jump spaces in the end */  
        GET_NEW_CHAR_JUMP_SPACE( fileField )  
    } else if( '/' == fileField->current_ch){  
        /* [ 13 ] deal with the operator '/' */  
        n_mode = SYN_NODE_DIV;  
        /* [ 13.1 ] jump spaces in the end */  
        GET_NEW_CHAR_JUMP_SPACE( fileField )  
    } else{  
        /* empty follow */  
        return 1;  
    /* [ 14 ] make a node for the operator*/  
    tempIndex = g_SynTree.n_node_num;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_father_id = tempIndex - 1;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_identifier_id = INVALID_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_left_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_mode = n_mode;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_right_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_son_id = INVALID_ID;  
    /* [ 15 ] fix for father and left brother */  
    FIX_FATHER_LBROTHER( tempIndex - 1, INVALID_ID, tempIndex )  
    CHECK_NODE_NUM( func_name, fileField, g_SynTree.n_node_num )  
    /* [ 16 ] deal with BOOL_FORMULA */  
    ret = BOOL_FORMULA( fileField, tempIndex, tempIndex - 1 );  
    if( 0 == ret ){  
        return 0;  
    return 1;  
int FUNC_CALL(FileField *fileField, int left_brother_ID, int father_ID){  
    int ret = 0;  
    char *func_name="FUNC_CALL";  
    unsigned int tempIndex = 0;  
    unsigned int ident_index = 0;  
    IdentId_P p_cur_id = NULL;  
    /* [ 1 ] make a node for 'FUNC_CALL' */  
    tempIndex = g_SynTree.n_node_num;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_father_id = father_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_identifier_id = INVALID_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_left_brother_id = left_brother_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_mode = SYN_NODE_FUNC_CALL;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_right_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_son_id = INVALID_ID;  
    /* [ 2 ] fix for father and left brother */  
    FIX_FATHER_LBROTHER( father_ID, left_brother_ID, tempIndex )  
    CHECK_NODE_NUM( func_name, fileField, g_SynTree.n_node_num )  
    /* [ 3 ] find the identifier in IdTable */  
    ret = find_in_IdTable(fileField, fileField->name_buf, (int)strlen(fileField->name_buf), &ident_index);  
    if( 0 == ret ){  
        return 0;  
    p_cur_id = &g_IdTable.pIdList[ ident_index ];  
    if( p_cur_id->n_mode != SYN_NODE_FUNID ){  
        report_syntax_error( func_name, "Function can't be called, it's an identifier name.", fileField->n_current_line );  
        return 0;  
    /* [ 4 ] make a node for the func_id */  
    tempIndex = g_SynTree.n_node_num;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_father_id = tempIndex - 1;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_identifier_id = ident_index;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_left_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_mode = SYN_NODE_FUNID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_right_brother_id = INVALID_ID;  
    g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ tempIndex ].n_son_id = INVALID_ID;  
    /* [ 5 ] fix for father and left brother */  
    FIX_FATHER_LBROTHER( tempIndex - 1, INVALID_ID, tempIndex )  
    CHECK_NODE_NUM( func_name, fileField, g_SynTree.n_node_num )  
    /* [ 6 ] check the '(' */  
    JUMP_SPACES( fileField )  
    if( '(' != fileField->current_ch ){  
        report_syntax_error( func_name, "Missing '('.", fileField->n_current_line );  
        return 0;  
    /* [ 7 ] check the ')' */  
    GET_NEW_CHAR_JUMP_SPACE( fileField )  
    if( ')' != fileField->current_ch ){  
        report_syntax_error( func_name, "Missing ')'.", fileField->n_current_line );  
        return 0;  
    /* [ 8 ] check the ';' */  
    GET_NEW_CHAR_JUMP_SPACE( fileField )  
    if( ';' != fileField->current_ch ){  
        report_syntax_error( func_name, "Missing ';'.", fileField->n_current_line );  
        return 0;  
    return 1;  
int add_to_IdTable(FileField * fileField, char *id_name, int length, short mode, unsigned int * p_ident_index){  
    char first_index = 0;  
    char second_index = 0;  
    IdentId_P cur_IdentId_list = NULL;  
    unsigned int index = 0;  
    unsigned int temp = 0;  
    char *func_name = "add_to_IdTable";  
    if( length <= 0 ){  
        report_internal_error(func_name, __LINE__);  
        return 0;  
    if( id_name[0] >= 'A' && id_name[0] <= 'Z' ){  
        first_index = id_name[0] - 'A';  
    } else if( id_name[0] >= 'a' && id_name[0] <= 'z' ){  
        first_index = id_name[0] - 'a' + 26;  
    } else{  
        first_index = 51;  
    if( length > 1 ){  
        if( id_name[1] >= 'A' && id_name[1] <= 'Z' ){  
            second_index = id_name[1] - 'A';  
        } else if( id_name[1] >= 'a' && id_name[1] <= 'z' ){  
            second_index = id_name[1] - 'a' + 26;  
        } else if( id_name[1] >= '0' && id_name[1] <= '9' ){  
            second_index = id_name[1] - '0' + 52;  
        } else{  
            second_index = 61;  
    temp = g_IdTable.two_level_index[ first_index ][ second_index ];  
    while( temp != INVALID_ID ){  
        /* a list is found */  
        cur_IdentId_list = &g_IdTable.pIdList[temp];  
        if( strcmp( cur_IdentId_list->str_name, id_name ) == 0 ){  
            /* already exist */  
            report_syntax_error( func_name, "Re-definition error.", fileField->n_current_line );  
            return 0;  
        temp = cur_IdentId_list->n_next_identifier_id;  
    if( g_IdTable.n_id_num + 1 > MAX_SYN_NODE_NUM ){  
        report_syntax_error( func_name, "Too many identifiers.", fileField->n_current_line );  
        return 0;  
    index = g_IdTable.n_id_num;  
    if( NULL != cur_IdentId_list ){  
        cur_IdentId_list->n_next_identifier_id = index;  
    } else{  
        /* create a new list for this id */  
        g_IdTable.two_level_index[ first_index ][ second_index ] = index;  
    g_IdTable.pIdList[index].n_mode = mode;  
    g_IdTable.pIdList[index].n_next_identifier_id = INVALID_ID;  
    strcpy_s( g_IdTable.pIdList[index].str_name, MAX_ID_LENGTH+1, id_name );  
    *p_ident_index = index;  
    return 1;  
int find_in_IdTable(FileField * fileField, char *id_name, int length, unsigned int * p_ident_index){  
    char first_index = 0;  
    char second_index = 0;  
    IdentId_P cur_IdentId_list = NULL;  
    unsigned int index = 0;  
    unsigned int temp = 0;  
    char *func_name = "find_in_IdTable";  
    if( length <= 0 ){  
        report_syntax_error( func_name, "Identifier not specified.", fileField->n_current_line );  
        return 0;  
    if( id_name[0] >= 'A' && id_name[0] <= 'Z' ){  
        first_index = id_name[0] - 'A';  
    } else if( id_name[0] >= 'a' && id_name[0] <= 'z' ){  
        first_index = id_name[0] - 'a' + 26;  
    } else{  
        first_index = 51;  
    if( length > 1 ){  
        if( id_name[1] >= 'A' && id_name[1] <= 'Z' ){  
            second_index = id_name[1] - 'A';  
        } else if( id_name[1] >= 'a' && id_name[1] <= 'z' ){  
            second_index = id_name[1] - 'a' + 26;  
        } else if( id_name[1] >= '0' && id_name[1] <= '9' ){  
            second_index = id_name[1] - '0' + 52;  
        } else{  
            second_index = 61;  
    temp = g_IdTable.two_level_index[ first_index ][ second_index ];  
    while( temp != INVALID_ID ){  
        /* a list is found */  
        cur_IdentId_list = &g_IdTable.pIdList[temp];  
        if( strcmp( cur_IdentId_list->str_name, id_name ) == 0 ){  
            *p_ident_index = temp;  
            return 1;  
        temp = cur_IdentId_list->n_next_identifier_id;  
    report_syntax_error( func_name, "Identifier not specified.", fileField->n_current_line );  
    return 0;  
int get_number( FileField * fileField, int * pOutValue){  
    char *func_name = "get_number";  
    int tempValue1 = 0;  
    int tempValue2 = 0;  
    int b_sign = 0;/* 0 ==> no sign ,  1 ==> '+' , -1 ==> '-'  */  
    /* [ 1 ] check the sign */  
    if( '-' == fileField->current_ch ){  
        b_sign = -1;  
        fileField->current_ch = fgetc( fileField->fp );  
        CHECK_NEW_LINE( fileField )  
    } else if( '+' == fileField->current_ch ){  
        b_sign = 1;  
        fileField->current_ch = fgetc( fileField->fp );  
        CHECK_NEW_LINE( fileField )  
    /* [ 2 ] check the first number */  
    if( fileField->current_ch < '0' || fileField->current_ch > '9' ){  
        report_syntax_error( func_name, "Invalid character.", fileField->n_current_line );  
        return 0;  
    while( fileField->current_ch >= '0' && fileField->current_ch <= '9' ){  
        tempValue1 = tempValue2;  
        tempValue2 = tempValue2 * 10 + fileField->current_ch - '0';  
        if( tempValue1 > tempValue2 ){  
            /* [ 3 ] deal with overflow */  
            report_syntax_error( func_name, "Integer overflow.", fileField->n_current_line );  
            return 0;  
        fileField->current_ch = fgetc( fileField->fp );  
        CHECK_NEW_LINE( fileField )         
    if( -1 == b_sign ){  
        tempValue2 = ~tempValue2 + 1;  
    if( tempValue2 > SHORT_MAX || tempValue2 < SHORT_MIN ){  
        /* [ 4 ] deal with overflow. Note: using 16bit-int for EXE file */  
        report_syntax_error( func_name, "Integer overflow.", fileField->n_current_line );  
        return 0;  
    *pOutValue = (int)tempValue2;  
    return 1;  
static void print_syntax_node( FILE* fp, SynNode_P p_node ){  
    char buffer[128];  
    buffer[0] = '\0';  
    switch( p_node->n_mode ){  
    case SYN_NODE_HEAD:  
        strcpy_s( buffer, 128, "head" );  
    case SYN_NODE_VARID:  
        strcpy_s( buffer, 128, "VARID" );  
    case SYN_NODE_FUNID:  
        strcpy_s( buffer, 128, "FUNID" );  
        strcpy_s( buffer, 128, "main" );  
    case SYN_NODE_BODY:  
        strcpy_s( buffer, 128, "BODY" );  
        strcpy_s( buffer, 128, "DEFINITION" );  
    case SYN_NODE_VAR_DEF:  
        strcpy_s( buffer, 128, "VAR_DEF" );  
    case SYN_NODE_FUNC_DEF:  
        strcpy_s( buffer, 128, "FUNC_DEF" );  
        strcpy_s( buffer, 128, "VAR_DEFINITION" );  
        strcpy_s( buffer, 128, "STATEMENT_LIST" );  
        strcpy_s( buffer, 128, "ASSIGN_STMT" );  
    case SYN_NODE_IF_STMT:  
        strcpy_s( buffer, 128, "IF_STMT" );  
    case SYN_NODE_FOR_STMT:  
        strcpy_s( buffer, 128, "FOR_STMT" );  
        strcpy_s( buffer, 128, "WHILE_STMT" );  
    case SYN_NODE_FORMULA:  
        strcpy_s( buffer, 128, "FORMULA" );  
        strcpy_s( buffer, 128, "BOOL_FORMULA" );  
        strcpy_s( buffer, 128, "FORMULA_FOLLOW" );  
    case SYN_NODE_NUMBER:  
        strcpy_s( buffer, 128, "NUMBER" );  
    case SYN_NODE_L_parenthesis:  
        strcpy_s( buffer, 128, "(" );  
    case SYN_NODE_R_parenthesis:  
        strcpy_s( buffer, 128, ")" );  
    case SYN_NODE_ADD:  
        strcpy_s( buffer, 128, "+" );  
    case SYN_NODE_SUB:  
        strcpy_s( buffer, 128, "-" );  
    case SYN_NODE_MUT:  
        strcpy_s( buffer, 128, "*" );  
    case SYN_NODE_DIV:  
        strcpy_s( buffer, 128, "/" );  
    case SYN_NODE_AND:  
        strcpy_s( buffer, 128, "&&" );  
    case SYN_NODE_OR:  
        strcpy_s( buffer, 128, "||" );  
    case SYN_NODE_LESS:  
        strcpy_s( buffer, 128, "<" );  
    case SYN_NODE_MORE:  
        strcpy_s( buffer, 128, ">" );  
    case SYN_NODE_EQ:  
        strcpy_s( buffer, 128, "==" );  
    case SYN_NODE_NOT_LESS:  
        strcpy_s( buffer, 128, ">=" );  
    case SYN_NODE_NOT_MORE:  
        strcpy_s( buffer, 128, "<=" );  
    case SYN_NODE_NOT_EQ:  
        strcpy_s( buffer, 128, "!=" );  
        strcpy_s( buffer, 128, "BOOL_FORMULA_FOLLOW" );  
    case SYN_NODE_EMPTY:  
        strcpy_s( buffer, 128, "EMPTY" );  
    case SYN_NODE_FUNC_CALL:  
        strcpy_s( buffer, 128, "FUNC_CALL" );  
    fprintf( fp,"n_mode = '%s';", buffer);  
    if( SYN_NODE_VARID == p_node->n_mode || SYN_NODE_FUNID == p_node->n_mode ){  
        fprintf( fp, "id name = '%s';", g_IdTable.pIdList[ p_node->n_identifier_id ].str_name );  
    fprintf( fp,"father_id = '%d';", (int)p_node->n_father_id);  
    fprintf( fp,"left_brother_id = '%d';", (int)p_node->n_left_brother_id);  
    fprintf( fp,"right_brother_id = '%d';", (int)p_node->n_right_brother_id);  
    fprintf( fp,"son_id = '%d';", (int)p_node->n_son_id);  
    if( SYN_NODE_NUMBER == p_node->n_mode ){  
        fprintf( fp, "value = '%d';", p_node->n_int_value );  
void debug_syntax( FILE* fp ){  
    unsigned int i = 0;  
    for( i = 0; i < g_SynTree.n_node_num; i++ ){  
        fprintf( fp,"id = '%6d';", i);  
        print_syntax_node( fp, &g_SynTree.pSynNodeList[ i ] );  
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